Welcome to my Catholic apologetics blog! Apologetics is the defense of the Catholic faith. I will use Sacred Scripture, the Catechism, and Tradition to discuss areas of concern within the Catholic Church and Her teachings, as well as reasons why the Catholic Church was founded by Jesus. I will always stay true to the Magisterium, the teaching authority of the Church. This page is not authorized, reviewed, or approved by the Magisterium. Your Questions are always welcome.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wisconsin Personhood Petition

There is a movement among the people who call themselves pro-life. I consider myself one of these people. As a Catholic I find that there are five things that I cannot support, or support any candidate running for office that supports these five things. Those five will be a topic I will write about in the future. I would like to write about the movement I started with. The movement is personhood from conception. If the law established personhood we would no longer need to worry about the judicial system or friendly politicians. This would make the law of the land work for all of its citizens.

This does sound easy but in some states including Wisconsin can make it very difficult. In order for this to be done the process for making changes to the Wisconsin Constitution is stated in Article XII. An amendment to the state constitution can be introduced by either house of the state legislature; Wisconsin does not have petition-based referendums or initiatives, but you can amend the state constitution using the long three vote process. The step can take place in either house which includes the introduction the amendment and then a majority of both houses must approve the amendment. If it passes both houses then the amendment is shelved until after the general elections have been held, once the state legislature has reconvened with its new members it must be voted on again and pass with no changes. After this has been done the citizens’ of the state must vote and pass the amendment. The last option for amending is to call a constitutional convention. This process would also be very lengthy. But we must keep on fighting for the amendment.

By changing the way we thing about the unborn is the only way we can protect them. How can there be laws protecting eggs on a beach but not protecting an individual in the place it should be the safest, their mothers womb.