Welcome to my Catholic apologetics blog! Apologetics is the defense of the Catholic faith. I will use Sacred Scripture, the Catechism, and Tradition to discuss areas of concern within the Catholic Church and Her teachings, as well as reasons why the Catholic Church was founded by Jesus. I will always stay true to the Magisterium, the teaching authority of the Church. This page is not authorized, reviewed, or approved by the Magisterium. Your Questions are always welcome.

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Ten Most Questions Catholics Are Asked

1. Are you saved? Please see the post "Are You Saved?"
2. If you died tonight, would you go to heaven? Please see Post "Are You Saved?"
3. Why do you worship wafers?
4. Why do you worship Mary?
5. Why do you confess your sins to a priest
6. Why do you pray to idols (statues)/
7. Why do you pray for the dead
8. Why do you call your priest “Father”?
9. Why do you obey the Pope? Please see the post "Primacy of Peter"
10. Are your beliefs found in the Bible?

Starting Point

I am a student of Catholic Apologetics. I will be posting questions and attempting to address the concerns of the Catholic Church. I am a lay person and I will attempt to be certain that what I post is true to Catholic teaching and will be using research from different areas including but not limited to sacred scripture and Church Tradition. Well-known Catholic Apologists. My sources will always be referenced. I ask you to do the same if you use sources. If you have a question I encourage you to make a post asking your question, or please by all means add to the discussion. When I quote scripture I will be using The New Revised Standard Version: Catholic Edition © 1993 Searchable on the web at Oremus Bible Browser website at oremus Bible. or The New American Bible © 1991,1986,1970 from the USCCB website at USCCB. I would like to ensure that everyone is courteous to bloggers. I will not allow rude or vulgar posts.